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Rabu, 07 August 2024

The 6th International Conference on Chemical Science (ICCS)

The 6th International Conference on Chemical Sciences (ICCS) will be held in Yogyakarta, on July 24-25, 2024. This conference (ICCS 2024) is organized by the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia, and collaborated with the Indonesian Chemical Society (HKI), American Institute of Physics (AIP), and Indonesian Journal of Chemistry (IJC).

It will allow graduate students, faculty members, and researchers to share their cutting-edge research findings in chemistry. The researchers are expected to strengthen their research collaboration and publication through this scientific gathering. It is also likely that the conference will become a place to build a network among researchers worldwide.

Poster ICCS

Registration Link : https://icoc.mipa.ugm.ac.id/

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